Photographing Water

 Station 1: F-Stop: F/5.6 Shutter Speed: 1/200 

1. Was it easy to get a good shot? Why/why not? (2pts) 

Yes, because since the flash was on, the camera did not take the photos as fast as without flash.

 2. What did you like/not like about shooting water with the flash? (2pts)

I like how the edited version looks like there's a whole galaxy in the background from the bowl

Station 2: F-Stop: F/5.6 Shutter Speed:1/320

1. Was it easy to get a good shot? Why/why not? (2pts) 

This was easy to get a solid shot because the flash was off, so the shutter speed was higher.

 2. What did you like/not like about shooting water without the flash? (2pts)

I liked how the droplet created perfect circles all around the drop point

Station 3: F-Stop: F/4.5 Shutter Speed: 1/200

1. Was it easy to get a good shot? Why/why not? (2pts) 

It was not easy getting a good shot because the flash was on, so the shutter speed was limited to the speed of the flash with was kind of slow.

 2. What did you like/not like about shooting colored water with the flash? (2pts)

I also like how this one created a massive perfect circle on the perimeter. 

Station 4: F-Stop: F/5.3 Shutter Speed:1/1000

1. Was it easy to get a good shot? Why/why not? (2pts) 

Yes, since there was no flash required, the shutter speed was much faster

 2. What creative adjustments did your team make for this shot? (2pts) 

We experimented with different colors and also we waited until the clouds reached the bottom instead of taking the photo right when the color is dropped into the tank

 3. What did you like/not like about shooting water without the flash? (2pts)

I like not shooting with flash because it makes the moment much easier to capture since the clouds are constantly moving.

My Favorite Photos:

F-Stop: F/5.3 Shutter Speed:1/1000

F-Stop: F/5.3 Shutter Speed:1/1000

Rate your group: 
Always… were on task, cleaned up, treated equipment professionally, worked as a team by sharing the work, stayed focused, were creative. (10pts) 
Mostly… were on task, cleaned up, treated equipment professionally, worked as a team by sharing the work, stayed focused, were creative. (8pts) 
Somewhat… were on task, cleaned up, treated equipment professionally, worked as a team by sharing the work, stayed focused, were creative. (6pts) 
Rarely… were on task, cleaned up, treated equipment professionally, worked as a team by sharing the work, stayed focused, were creative. (4pts) 
Never… were on task, cleaned up, treated equipment professionally, worked as a team by sharing the work, stayed focused, were creative. (0pts) 
Total Points__________________/60


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