
Showing posts from December, 2022



Animated Snow Globe

  1. Listening & Following Directions: Always (10) Mostly (8) Sometimes (6) Rarely (5): 10pts 2. Creativity: Always (5) Mostly (4) Sometimes (3) Rarely (2):5pts 3. Animation Works: Always (5) Mostly (4) Sometimes (3) Rarely (2):5pts 4. Craftsmanship / Photoshop work: Always (10) Mostly (8) Sometimes (6) Rarely (5):10ps Extra animation (3) __0_/XC Total 30/30 1. Was this project enjoyable to work on? why/why not?     Yes, because I liked how we learned to animate the snow inside the globe 2. Do you like your finished product? why/why not?      Yes, I think my final product looks appealing and all the animations work so it looks cool 3. What does Command +J do?      Command+J makes a copy of the selected layer 4. What tool do you use to create the Frame Animation?     We used the timeline tool to create the frame animation 5. Would you want to create another animation - why?      Yes I would like to make another animation because Learning how to animate was fun   and interesting to m

Composition Assignment 1

 Rule of Thirds Point of Interest Fill the Frame Which image was your best and why? My best image was the second fill the frame picture because I like how the edges are red and as you move to the center, you can see the different colors. How would you improve your "worst" image? I would improve my worst image by making more edits to the picture. Making it more vibrant and colorful.

Photo Challenge: Black
