
The SIngle Image

  Engaged! This image is of a lake in Switzerland taken by my cousin on April 25, 2023. He took this image to announce his proposal to the family so he can introduce his fiance to us.

Landscape Photography

  Grand Landscape- The big view of the wide open expanses that illustrate the majesty of the natural world Abstract-an image that is composed of lines, shapes, and texture of the focal point Detail- detail oriented landscapes that focus on a smaller area to allow the features of the subject to be more prominent. 

Leading Lines


Formal Portraits Untouched


Formal Portraits Retouched

  1.Which portrait is your favorite and why? The portrait I took of Bryce is my favorite because I caught this photo of him when he was genuinely laughing and something Jayminn did. 2.What was the easiest part of this process? The easiest part of this process was doing taking teh images because I basically spammed the camera so that I can catch people in action to get the most "natural" results. 3.What was the hardest part of this process? The hardest part of this process was retouching the blemishes because sometimes the tool did not color match the skin color correctly and was mismatched.

Framing a Subject

  Jayminn in circle with no eyebrows Sharanika in love Arjunin in the Illuminati  Did I create strong composition? Yes, because each person did a different shape and their face was in the middle How well did I edit my photographs? I edited my photos and added kind of a lowkey color to them. All 3 of them are more dark than light except Jayminn since he wanted a highkey photo. What would I do differently if I shot this assignment again? One thing I would do differently is find shapes out in the world instead of doing the shapes wit my hands, using natural resources to put my face in between.

Highkey/Lowkey portraits
